Wednesday 9 September 2020

The Race (Descriptive Writing)

 The Race

The athlete’s feet sink into the scattered out mud with every step they take. “Splotch splotch”. Like a horse confidently springing over a fence, the contestants leap over the hurdle and carry on as usual. The applaud of the crowd echos upon the thin air as the runners competitively try to dart ahead and lead the pack.

In the distance, I can see autumnal trees in the background swaying gracefully, but the pale green cubicle with the spinach coloured roof is standing out the most. Like fur coating a dog, muddy smears blanket over their lively sneakers.

In a line, one by one, the contenders rush past all the commotion the crowd is making and finally see the finish line in view.

The runners were cheetahs throughout the whole race. They all try to collect all their energy and rush to their parents. They all know their supporters will have a present for them because they all tried their best.

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