Wednesday, 28 August 2019

A Peach for the Queen

Tips for X-country

Before X-country
  • Eat a healthy meal.
  • Keep yourself hydrated.
  • Stretch(This is vital).
  • Wear appropriate clothing and shoes.
  • Set a timer.
  • Set a goal for yourself.
  • Tie your hair back if you have long hair.
  • Don’t worry about the mud.
    • Train at least 5 or 6 times a week.
    • Walk the course so you know it.
    During X-country
    • Don’t sprint at the start, save it for the end.
    • Overtake the person in front of you.
    • Don’t worry about your friends.
    • Don’t look back.
    • Don’t talk to your friends.
      • Get out of the crowd.
      • Be careful of the corners.
      • Keep breathing in and out.
      • Don’t be nervous.
      After X-country
      • Have a little gentle jog if you can.
    • Stretch your body.
      • Rest to keep your body energized.
        • Have a drink of water to keep yourself hydrated.
        I Samantha have read your writing and I like how you used good vocab. Next time you should add more detail.

Monday, 19 August 2019


No Aotearoa Ahau
Ko Mt Roskil toku Maunga
Ko Manukau toku Moana
Ko Halsey Drive Primary te Kura
Ko Lynfield toku Kainga Inaiane
Ko Ravinay Raniga toku Papa
Ko Rita Raniga/Chauhan toku Mama
Ko Sanah Raniga toku ingoa

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Climate change

Do you know what climate change is? Well let me tell you about what it is.
Climate change is when the earth gets hotter and the earth changes. One of the reasons the earth is changing is because of natural resources, and it is caused by volcanic eruptions, changes in the sun’s energy and changes in the earth's orbit.
Greenhouse gasses also make the earth warmer they can also attract heat from the sun. The greenhouse gasses are like a blanket covering our earth.
Climate change is also caused by humans, this is because we burn coal to make electricity, we build lots of building,we burn oil to make our vehicles move and lastly we cut down lots of trees. 
Do you remember the blanket over the earth? Well because of us it gets thicker and thicker, but if we don’t pollute the earth than the earth's blanket will go back to normal.
Know that you know what climate change is, I think we all should make a difference.
I like how you used paragraphs improve your writing you should add more detail. Advika