Thursday, 27 September 2018

My colour poem

What does pink look like?
Pink looks like a cupboard.

What does pink sound like?
Pink sounds like ice in a pink lemonade shaking.

What does pink taste like?
Pink tastes like refreshing bubble gum in my mouth.

What does pink feel like?
Pink feels like a soft flamingo having a nice warm drink in the lake.

What does pink smell like?
Pink smells like a cold strawberry ice cream on a hot tropical day.

What does pink remind me of?
Pink reminds me of bright pink paint running down a piece of artwork

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

My book review

My book review
‘Gangsta Granny’ is by David Walliams and the illustrator is Tony Ross. David Walliams has put lots of sophisticated words in the story.

David Walliams has also put lots of funny words and lots of adjectives. Tony Ross has put lots of interesting and entertaining pictures which will make everybody laugh.

‘Gangsta Granny’ is about a little boy named Ben and he thinks his Grandma is boring but he finds out that she is actually a robber. He knows his grandma wants to steal the crown jewels from the queen.

My favourite character is granny because she tricks Ben and makes him think she is boring.

Most peoples favourite part of the book is when the neighbor, Mr Parker comes and spies on grandma and Ben. Granny tries to do yoga on one foot while she is naked.

I like the book because it is humorous and interesting. I would recommend this book to everyone.

The star rating I would give it is five out of five. Overall Gangsta Granny is an amazing book and everyone who reads it will love it just like me.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

My BFF Krisha

My BFF Krisha
My BFF krisha is super cool because she remembers everything and helps everyone. One not very cool thing about her is that she argues a lot. Sometimes she can be interesting but my friend Krisha is the best.She also is very nice and caring and never gives up. If something is hard she says I haven't got it yet. Whenever I go to gymnastics on Thursdays she says “I will come and watch you to see how well you do”. After gymnastics she always says very good or well done. Krisha is the best.

Sunday, 2 September 2018

My speech judging sheet

Speech Judging Sheet

Name:  Sanah Topic: Why teachers are important                   
Main Points

Self Assessment
Low                                         High 4
1           2 3           4 5

My speech was organised logically into paragraphs, with an effective introduction and a conclusion.
4 ½


I used some gestures, stood still and made eye contact with my audience.

My voice was clear and loud.  I didn’t speak too quickly or too slowly.

My speech had a message and was original, interesting and relevant to the audience.


I used ‘powerful’ words in my speech.  I also included some language features (eg repetition, alliteration, similes etc)

My speech was between 2 ½ and 3 ½ minutes long.

3 mins 19 secs

Next time I need to
Slow down a little bit

Teacher Comment
An outstanding speech Sanah.  It was well written and you were very prepared.  You showed confidence by having good eye contact and speaking at an appropriate volume.  Your next step is to slow down and speak at a slower pace.